Sermon – “The Deceiver Is Deceived”

Sermon – “The Deceiver Is Deceived”

Gen. 29:15-35 15 Then Laban said to Jacob, “Because you are my relative, should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what should your wages be?” 16 Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel....
Sermon – “Jacob’s Ladder”

Sermon – “Jacob’s Ladder”

Gen. 28:1-5 Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him: “You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. 2 Arise, go to Padan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother’s father; and take yourself a wife from there of the...
Sermon – “The Impulsive Decision”

Sermon – “The Impulsive Decision”

Gen. 25:19-34 19 This is the genealogy of Isaac, Abraham’s son. Abraham begot Isaac. 20 Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian. 21 Now Isaac pleaded with...
Sermon – “What Is Your Testimony?”

Sermon – “What Is Your Testimony?”

Acts 26:1-20 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You are permitted to speak for yourself.” So Paul stretched out his hand and answered for himself: 2 “I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because today I shall answer for myself before you concerning all the things of...
Sermon- “The Shaping of Abraham’s Faith”

Sermon- “The Shaping of Abraham’s Faith”

Gen 12:1-20 Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country,From your familyAnd from your father’s house,To a land that I will show you.2 I will make you a great nation;I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing.3 I will...