Mission Trips

Since our founding in the 1600s, the Seventh Day Baptist denomination (one of the earliest Baptist branches) has reached out to the world. And our policy for choosing where to travel on missionary journeys has been simple: go where we’re called by the people who live there. Today, we’re answering a direct call from the people of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a country of nearly 163 million people, 90% of whom are Muslim. Another 9% is Hindu, and Buddhism claims 0.6%, leaving Christianity with less than half of a percent of the population. Yet there is a government ministry dedicated to preserving what Christian culture exists, the current president is Christian, and the people are hungry to hear of Christ. While Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world, the government will supply free Bibles in Bengali to anyone who asks for one. Our contact has shared many stories with us of how eager his neighbors are to hear the Good News.
We’re planning to travel to Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital city in October 2019, to meet directly with our contact, his family, and the people he’s been ministering to. While there we will:
- Preach to the people
- Help establish a church
- Arrange for training for a pastor
- Connect them with other churches in their part of the world
- Film interviews with Christians in the region
Above all, we want to show the people of Dhaka that God loves them. That we love them. And that they are worthy of that love. That they are the people Christ came to give His life for, just as we are. Only by being His hands and feet and by obeying His command to go can we hope to convince them of this.
Not everyone can travel around the world themselves. But we can all take part in the journey. We invite you to join our prayer team, we welcome you into the conversation, and we thank you for any monetary support you’d like to give.