Prayer (cont.)

Questions about the Prayer: (How) does Prayer change as you grow in your faith? How does Prayer help you grow in your faith? Do you use prayer differently as you grow in your faith?  In what ways? Sermons about Prayer Verses About Prayer 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the...


Questions about the Prayer: Why is Prayer important? What does Prayer do? How do we pray? Are there different kinds of Prayer?   Sermons about Prayer   Verses About Prayer 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. Psalms...

Church Fathers Writings

Church Fathers* The following are early church fathers and apologists of the first and second centuries. The first eight or nine documents are also known as the Apostolic Fathers. The writers known as the church fathers represent the ancient orthodox church as opposed...
Sermon – “The Keys to Giving Thanks”

Sermon – “The Keys to Giving Thanks”

      Psalm 100:1-5 Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. 3 Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep...

The Didache

The Lord’s Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations. Chapter 1. The Two Ways and the First Commandment. There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but a great difference between the two ways. The way of life, then, is this: First, you shall...