I John 4:16-19
16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him because He first loved us.
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God is good and all the time a man God is so faithful he’s always seen seems like he’s always face was faithful to confirm the message for me. The message this morning out titled overcoming fear and Bryan spoke of it and Ray spoke of it this morning Brian said he put on his but Sony’s board do not fear or figure not and race as you know we’re not to worry we’re not to fret this confirms in the song confirms it the song says why should I fear man when you made the heavens why should we fear a man when God made the heavens why should I be afraid when you put the stars in place. Why should I lose heart when I know how great you are washed it I give up. When your plans are full of love that’s the best methods. Perfect love casts elsewhere why should we fear man because our God created all things or God is in control of all things we are to overcome fear for not to have fear in our lives you know we need to understand that from the beginning of time and today and I think it will increase as time goes on there’s there’s a battle raging for the souls of men there’s a battle raging The devil wants to steal away those that are in God’s house he wants to keep those in his court he has in his court they don’t want any deflecting and going to the Lord but there’s a battle raging when it’s being fought in every city every state every church even in every nation around this world and we need to understand there’s a battle going on because if we say all there is no battle there is a spiritual battle we say there’s not we’re going to be to see because there is and we need to know how the enemy works or else we could be misled or we can be overcome by the enemy if we don’t understand how the enemy works we need to be rooted in the Word of God We need to be strong in our faith or we could be led astray or deceived one of the most part the weapons at the enemy uses and you know who the enemy is Satan. One of most powerful weapons he uses today is fear fear he wants people to fear he wants people to worry he wants people to Fred he wants us to fear so that now read the scripture. The scripture comes from first John and I added to what’s going to be on the screen this morning it says sixteen through nineteen but I added seven through eleven and then sixteen through twenty one here the word of the Lord. Beloved let us love one another for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God He who does not love does not know God you’re not going to see that on the screen of added for God is love these things things like I ain’t seen out of there. For God is love in this the love of God was manifested towards us that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him in this is love not that we love God but that he loved us and sent his son to prove to be the purposely ation for our sins. Beloved of God so loved us we also ought to love one another now you’ll pick up with what’s on the screen and we have known and believed the love that God has for us God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him if we abide in love and God abides and then God abides in us. Love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment. Let that sink in for a moment. Love has been perfected in us that we may have boldness in a day of judgment and how is that perfection in us Jesus Christ in us when we accept Jesus Christ and are filled with his spear. Love has been perfected in us that we may have bonus in the day of judgment because as he is so or we in this world there is no fear in love there is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love we love Him because He first loved us. If someone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar. Free who does not love his brother whom he has seen how can he love God whom he has not seen and this command that we have for him that he who loves God must love his brother also a man got out his blessings to the here and in the reading of His Holy Word. Let us pray Heavenly Father we thank you and praise you for your word nor your Word declares your goodness declares your greatness. Declares your love to us and father got I pray that we would not walk in fear the but we would walk in that perfect love this that this word speaks of Valar just pray that your name would be a glorified today that you would be exalted father that your word your truth would be spoken to chew would receive the glory in the honor father and father I just pray that your love with penetrate each of our hearts or God deep down into the to the depths of or being or God Let your love Phyllis and God It is not just stay there but lettuce that there was to overflowing that others would see the love that we have and desire the relationship Lord God let us be that light in the darkness Lord and may you be glorified let all be said today before your honor for your glory nor that nothing be said that is not truth or let nothing be said that is not of you in Jesus name Amen. People fear many things but there is no fear in love what that verse eighteen. A perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment That’s right word is torment come from Satan. You don’t get my message you have them on notes right you must have know how I’m going to say this but you know most of the guys is probably going to say yes I’ve heard this maybe not so much the women how many of you have heard these words spoken from your mother you just wait to your father gets home. I went to your father gets home you think you’ve gotten away with something when he gets home if you’re going to get that belt on your backside your guts which whatever you know whatever the device might have been right. What’s mama dorm which he says that she’s invoking fear right. She’s invoking fear into you because you’re like Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Us to remember the last time right. Yeah so that’s fair. Mama’s invoking fear into you because of something you’ve done wrong you buy just Sastre mom or does something but it’s fear fear involves torment that punishment is torment. Perfect love casts out fear we don’t have to fear torment it’s of the devil. Cast it out. Begone there are so many things that people fear today I have a list of some I won’t go through all of them but many fear rejection. Many people fear the rejection of others. First seven and chapter four says Beloved let us love one another for love is of God my friends do this love your brother slow if your neighbors love them how can you say you love God If you don’t love your brother you just love them you love them as Christ loved them imitate Christ you love them if they reject you. Oh well they may reject you because they rejected Christ so all we can do is love them love your brother don’t fear the rejection you just love them with the love of Christ. Many people today fear death but Paul says to be absent from the body is be present with the Lord why should we fear death when we know that the next thing or I see after we’ve accepted Christ is going to be him in the heavenly kingdom that will see Jesus we don’t need to fear death many people fear pain many people fear suffering but we don’t need to fear you know we can’t live our lives in a box we can’t be afraid so fraid to we’re going to get hurt that we do nothing we must be faithful. We must do what God has led us to do. Don’t fear getting hurt but here’s a big win many people fear the end of time. Many people fear that and I’ll say this that those the do not know Christ they ought to fear the end of time but I know that in the last days his word tell you that men will be finding caves hot in and then cry for the mountains the follow on Elm the get them out of their torment. Hebrews twelve says this but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and the Church of the first firstborn who are registered in Heaven whose names are written in the Lambs Book of life to God the Judge of all to the spirits of just men made perfect. To Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and through the blood of sprinkling that’s that speaks better things than out of able to see that you do not refuse him who speaks for if they did not escape who refused for if they did not escape who refused him who spoke on earth much more shall they not escape if we turn away from him who speaks from heaven whose voice then shook the earth but now he has promised sane yet wants more I shake not only the Earth but also Heaven No now this yet once more indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken may remain Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for God is a consuming fire the important part key part of that scripture I just read. Since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken. We did not fear the end of time we meet we need not fear that because the kingdom of God we shall not be shaken. Those who receive Christ. Enter into the kingdom of God We are all of his kingdom the Lord is coming back to liberate the earth but when it comes it will shake it will destroy those it or not in Christ but if we are in Christ we need not fear if we have built our lives upon the kingdom of God It cannot be shaken. Don’t let the devil deceive you it cannot be shaken. It will remain it will stand because we stand in Christ we stand with Christ a man when I think of this passage in the in the kingdom that cannot be shaken I think of we went to Italy few months ago and we went through the door the Vatican deceit You Go There You Go room you want to see it. Well the Vatican is like a country within a country its own little country the rules that apply to room do not apply to the Vatican they do not apply it all you know you can also use the illustration of an embassy if you go to a foreign land you go to Africa you go fine US Embassy when you go into that embassy you are under the rules of America because that belongs to them. Well whenever we belong to the kingdom of God Guess what the rules of this world do not apply to us. Because we are of the Kingdom of God we are you know there are so many things we fear today with their economic things we’ve heard all the things that we are of the Kingdom of God God’s economics are not tied to the economics of the United States of America a man if they fall in a crash tomorrow guess what we’re still children of God we still belong to his paying them right. We need not fear I know that that’s a troubled that so many people’s minds how can we would stand how many training is now eighteen nineteen I don’t know how long can we continue with that. Yeah a lot of people shaking her head I know you know these things are on people’s minds but God’s Kingdom still stands is shown not be shaken because we are of the Kingdom of God believers should absolutely not fear the end of the age because God holds the whole world and sans right we sang that last week. Gods I got the whole world in my hands when we can trust in him a man many people fear losing their earthly possessions to pay in stubble that’s all it is you came into this world. Hal with nothing you’ve got to go out of this world with Christ. If we submit to the kingdom of God and we represented we must rule over the things and not allow things to rule us we must not allow the things of this world to rule us we must not have a wrong or obsessive attachment to the material things of this world we must not be those of said well let me go back and get this because the things of this world don’t matter the material things do not matter. Many people have an unhealthy fear the Lord. Many people imagine God as this angry God up there just waiting to crush us the priest umble but he is not he is a loving God He loves us He wants what’s best for us is a forgiving God he says if you confess your sins that he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins Amen. Whenever we ask for forgiveness. They’re cast into the sea forgetfulness. Many people fear for their children. Do you not know that God loves them more than you do you trust that God is going to protect them then do not fear. Here’s one that many people fear the unknown. Many people fear the unknown the uncertainties in life there was an Arab chief that told a story about a spy who was captured and sentenced to death by a general in the Persian army this general had a strange custom of getting condemned criminals a choice between the firing squad and a big black door as a moment for the execution drew near the spy was brought to the Persian general who asked the question what will be the firing squad or the big black door to the spy hesitated for a long time because this is a very difficult decision. Finally chose the firing squad so moments later shots rang out confirming his execution the general turned to is a nice said they always prefer the known to the UN known it is a characteristic of people to be afraid of the unknown. Yet we gave him a choice the aide said to the general sir what lies beyond the big black door. Freedom freedom he says and I’ve known few people brave enough to choose the big black door because of the unknown. My friends tomorrow is uncertain we don’t know what tomorrow will bring doing they’ve been resent hopes to more brands a trip to the outer banks but we don’t know for certain we hope but we don’t know what tomorrow brings but you know what I know I know who holds a future a man the Lord holds a future fear the disciples were afraid when they were with Jesus in the boat in the storm. Jesus he’s laying there slate having a nap. And they shaking wake him up or or don’t you care that we’re going to perish. Oh you of little faith he tells them. Stands up and reduce the wind in the ways. Jesus can rebuked the wind and waves we need not fear because we are His the devil uses fear to keep people in bondage. But the Lord uses faith to set people free free from sin and free from the bondage of sin and free from fear. Romans fourteen twenty three says for whatever is not from faith is sin. Whatever is not from faith is sin. If fear controls us then fear is our Lord to walk in to be uncivil Lord were will require us to walk in faith we walk in faith we trust in Him we know what faith is that the substance of things folk for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good testimony by fate. We understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were made were not made of things which are visible we trusting God that God created all things you know there’s no doubt my mind and I’m sure there’s no doubt in yours that Satan is a driving force behind all these terrorist attacks all these works of these terrorists we know the Satan is behind that. What is their main goal to invoke fear isn’t you know even if they they they would they they hate America they hate Israel. Why do they hate us because we’re god fearing and because we’re the land of the free they do not want to have freedoms they want to control you and they want to invoke fear into your lives even if they can’t come here this morning and attack you they’d love to but they can still try to invoke fear into your lives when they do the evil deeds if they do I will get into the gruesome things but they are trying to invoke fear into the lives of the American people we need to stand against them. We need to stand we need to do this we need to get into the spiritual battle. Pray in the Heavens We need to pray that God’s angels will defeat Satan and his demons we need to stand against it. Pray against faith is much more powerful than fear faith is more powerful than fear and faith will ultimately prevail we must overcome fear in our lives we must be overcomers Roman sixteen twenty says in the God of peace will soon cross Satan under your feet do you believe that and then he will crush Satan under your feet when we abide in the presence of God It is both a fortress and a weapon that the enemy has no power against when we stand on God’s Word when we go to the Lord in prayer when we stand in faith that is something the enemy cannot have any power against because he has no power at all against God and the men that these are a lot of a big a man and we abide if we abide in the presence of God in every situation. It unravels the enemy’s power against us. Whatever comes against you. I’m telling you stand on the Word of God stand on your face. They get behind me Satan I have no time for you I am a child of the Living God I will not fear I will not fear a man when we abide when we remain in that perfect piece of God regardless of the circumstances around us. It crushes Satan’s attempt to use those circumstances against us in allows us to see God’s purpose for allowing those circumstances in our lives sometimes were quick to blame the Lord for circumstances are things that happen in our lives but sometimes God allow these things to help us grow help us mature help us to maybe to test our faith to see if we’re going to trust in Him If we were bought in in the Lord the whole world can collapse around us. But we can still have that perfect piece in here can we we can have that perfect peace in our hearts because we have built our lives upon a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Isaiah twenty six three says you will you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trust in you that’s the key to this entire thing of being to be able to overcome fear we must trust him do you trust him. Fear is of the devil John three eight says he was sins as of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil we can have a victory over it through Jesus Christ we can have a victory over fear in our lives through Jesus if we are walking in faith we should be we should not be walking around in fear but by faith there is a good fear some thirty one one thousand nine hundred S. How great is the goodness which Dow has stored up for those who fear the worst Val has wrought for those who take refuge in the before the sons of men and Psalms thirty three eighteen Behold the eyes of the Lord is on those who fear him we should not worry or be anxious for anything. Philippians four six and seven says Be anxious for nothing. Have you ever been anxious fretful Yeah alright I have be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving that your requests be known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus are you overcomers you can be overcomers if you trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you need to know the huge you are who you are in Christ you are a child of the Living God If you believe on Jesus Christ. He loves you he wants what’s best for you you need to trust in him and not fear and overcome fear in your lives a man.
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