Luke 9:23-26, 49-62
23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? 26 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.
49 Now John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us.”
50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.”
51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”
55 But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.
57 Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.”
58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
59 Then He said to another, “Follow Me.”
But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.”
60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.”
61 And another also said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.”
62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
Acts 19:11-16
11 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. 13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.” 14 Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so.
15 And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”
16 Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Romans 14:7-9
Matt. 8:18-20
18 And when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave a command to depart to the other side. 19 Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.”
20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
Matt. 10:34-39
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My message just Morning out titled The cost of following himfollowing Jesus the cost of following Jesus we need to weigh the cost and do we will willingly freely give ourselves into his hands say Lord I am yours that’s a good question isn’t it you know as we were saying in the songs I was thinking I hope that all that are watching were actually singing you know I hope that as you’re sitting there on your phone or on the computer and you’re seeing the words on the screen if you were I hope you were singing along I mean I have a confession to make when I’m driving in a car and I got the music going I’m singing along with it and I know that it might not be a real joyful sound but I’m singing the best that I can and I believe the Lord honors that and I believe that if you’re singing along with a god is hearing or sacrifice of praise just as if we were here all together so I hurried you sing along if you have been on the screen you have the words sing along with us let’s lift our voices to the lower let’s praise him let’s just offer up the sacrifice of praise let’s do it always amen the cost of following him following Jesus and I’m going back to Luke this morning Luke Chapter 9 and I kind of broke it up verses 23 through 26 then I’m going to jump to verses 49 through 60 to hear the word of the Lord.Then he said to them all and there was a whole a multitude gathered all disciples not just the 12 he said to them all if anyone desires to come after me let him Day not himself and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and is himself destroyed or lost for whoever is ashamed of me and my words of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in His own glory and in his fathers and of the holy angels that is worth repeating for whoever is ashamed of me and my words of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes I pray that the Lord will not be ashamed of you when he comes up pray that he will honor you and reward you because you have been faithful and followed him 1st 49. Now John answered and said Master we saw someone casting out demons in your name and we 4 bade him because he does not follow with us but Jesus said to him do not forbid him for he who is not against us is on our side now it came to pass when the time had come for him to be received up that he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem and sent messengers before his face and as they went the entered a village of the Samaritans to prepare for him but they did not receive him because his face was set for the journey to Jerusalem and when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and to consume them just as the Lodge a did.I’m sure that if you’ve read the scriptures you’ve read of the amazing story of a lodger there speaking of the challenge where a logic challenge the false prophets that they would build an altar each of them would build an altar that they would build their altar to their false gods and a lodge would build His altar to the Lord God and they would place or sacrifice upon it and he said here’s the challenge use we call out to are gods in the one that sends down fire to consume the sacrifice that one is truly God So the false prophets they cried out all day they prayed to their God They dance around the cut themselves all day long and the logic on a made fun of them and maybe your god on the journey maybe sleeping when they finally gave up they probably give up because of the exhaustion of logic called out to God and him immediately send fire down to consume the sacrifice the altar and even lift up lift up the water was in the trough around it that they build to reveal that he is truly God you know a logic is probably most famous for this act for this faithfulness to God I mean there’s many things that he was faithful in doing but this is probably the most famous does and they continue this water talking about let us send fire down like a lodger did but he turned and rebuked them and said You do not know what manner of spirit you are of for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them how to you and they went to another village Now it happened as they journeyed on the road that someone said to him Lord I will follow you wherever you go and Jesus said to him Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest but the Son of Man. Has nowhere to lay his head then he said to another follow me but he said Lord let me 1st go and bury my father Jesus said to him Let the dead bury their own dead but you go and preach the kingdom of God and another also said Lord I will follow you but let me 1st go and bid farewell to those farewell to them who were at my house I didn’t get that right but Jesus said to them no one having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God they got out his blessings to the hearing in the reading of His Holy Word and let us pray Heavenly Father we do praise you and magnify you Father we know that your own your throne in glory we know that you will always reign that you will always reign supreme me that you are truly God the true God We know that Jesus is it your right hand and more we thank you that you intercede on our behalf that you speak to the Father for us father than a Jew you hear our prayers and north again we do pray for our nation we pray for our churches but we pray for this word is going to be broadcast over the internet and over the phone we pray to God that it would find fertile soil that it would reach the hearts of those that need to hear it and Father we just pray that we would be faithful father is this word says that we would be faithful to deny ourselves and follow you may we truly do that may we surrender our lives in or God be willing to go with you were ever you go wherever you would send us to go father I just pray that you would give us the strength the courage the ability to do what you would have us to do father to answer the call that you have on each of our lives in May We do it for your glory in our In Your Honor father not our room may we did is humbly submit ourselves before you and father again we just pray your blessing your anointed upon this word in Jesus’ name amen.I want to kind of begin in the middle of our passage because the 1st part is talking about following in at the end so I want to begin with verses 49 and 50 were John had told Jesus we saw someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name and he said we forbid them to depart bridge him to do that because he doesn’t follow right with us so we told him he can’t do this I want you to think about something for a moment the way that John said that it’s very apparent that this man was successfully casting out demons he wasn’t just attempting to he was successfully casting demons out of those that were deeming possessed so he had to be a true believer in Jesus Christ he had to be a follower of Christ he just wasn’t with that group that was falling right along with them and prove that he had to truly be a believer is found in x. x. Chapter 19 verses 11 through 16now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick and a disease left them an evil spirits went out of them that some of the I 10 or a Jewish exorcise took it upon themselves to call in the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits saying we exercise you by the Jesus whom Paul preachesthink about that we don’t know him but we exercise you by Jesus the Jesus that Paul preachesAlso there were 7 sons of Civa and a Jewish priest who did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you who are you. Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them overpowered them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded why because they did not know Jesus they weren’t a true follower a true believer in Jesus Christ so if the man in Luke that John was speaking of the unnamed man if he hadn’t known Jesus they wouldn’t have had to forbid him from cast now Damon’s why because that they even were left out there and beat the tar out of a much why he would have beat the living tar out of him he went to would have went away scared like the rest of like those others that were doing it so they wouldn’t have had toyou know you probably have experienced someone in your lifetime that was trying to exert or used more authority than they actually hadI know that we’ve experienced it work you know you might get a a manager trainee an errand boy that that that authority they think they have go to their head and it doesn’t believe me it doesn’t work with a seasoned employee you know I just kind of laugh out but I heard this old tale many years ago. There was a storm or that was out mending these fences one day this was a cattle farmer he’s out mending his fence and his Kora pulls up in this guy gets out and he just walks right over to the gate near where the farmer was mending these fence and he starts open the gate no farmer says Excuse me you can’t go an air the guy pulls out his credentials and says I’m with the Federal Agriculture Department he says and I have the authority to go anywhere I choose I can go wherever I want to go and again the farmer says but you can’t go in there he says I have the authority to go and I can go wherever I want Obama just those hands up says Ok goes back to mend the fences and the guy goes through the gate down around the corner around the building a few minutes later here comes the guy running this passes it can screaming like a girl with a big old bull behind chastening and the farmer looks up and he says show me your credentialshe thought he had authority right he didn’t have authority over them those guys didn’t have authority over those demons because they did not know Jesusdon’t try to exert more authority than you actually haveyou know our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles perform many miracles during their ministries on the eartheven though the miracles themselves friends do not save anyone they did have a purposethey did have a purpose in their ministries for onethey showed that they had compassion to meet human needswe might not be going around and laying hands on people in hospital beds but we can meet humans needs we can show compassion on others they showed that they had compassion on those that were sick those that were demon possess. But they also taught the spiritual truth they revealed that Jesus Christ has power and authority over all things over all things on earth and he still does today in he gave that authority to his disciplesThere was a lesson to be taught in Acts Paul with the apron and handkerchiefs and all the miracles these miracles were taking place in emphasis at this time at this day in age when Paul was preaching this was the epicenter of the occult So here is Paul the Apostle doing the work of the Kingdom of God right there in Satan’s playground he’s proving who truly had the ultimate authority and it’s God in Jesus Christ so remember that if you are a child of God Satan has no power in the authority over you trust in him don’t give the devil any more authority than he has he doesn’t have any over you because you are a child of the Living Godin Luke not Jesus said Jesus said Jesus knew that his earthly ministry was shortly coming to an endthat’s why he told his disciples that he was going to suffer and die they didn’t fully understand it but he told him that he was going to suffer and die he knew that his time was drawing nearand that’s why I said his face to go to to Jerusalem he needed to be there for the Passover but this is what cause the Samaritan village to reject him they were upset I mean Jesus was well known by this time many towns and villages have heard that Christ was healing the sick and raising the dead and casting out demons they’d heard these sayings now they are upset he’s not going to stop and take time to pray over are sick they wanted their sick to be healed and set free they wanted to hear his wonderful teachings. But Jesus had a time restraint he needed to be in Jerusalem because it was on God’s timetable it was during Passover that the sacrificial lambs he’s as Christ needed to be sacrificed during PassoverSo that is why they rejected them rejected Jesus and the disciples that’s why they want to call fire down from heaven you know when you read this and you think about it who would you think would be the disciples want to call fire down Peter head exactly I would think Peter would be a whining Peter’s the bold one Peter’s a want to got out of the boat and walked on the water Peter’s a wanted drew his sword out and cut the air off of the servant Peter would be the one that I’d be thinking Lord let me call down fire but it’s James and John maybe that’s where they got the name sons of thunder but remember they were with Christ on the mountains who right saw Elijah but you know they’d all just come back from being sent out to heal wounds of the liver so you know it’s fresh in their minds they’ve got that we’ve got the authority we’ve got that power but maybe it really went to their head a little bit maybe they didn’t really fully understand Jesus mission just yet did theyyou know if Jesus said Go Yeah go ahead send fire down it this would happen they would destroy the whole city but Jesus and phatic Lee declares to them I did not come to destroy men’s livesI did not come to destroy friends here that Jesus did not come to destroy but he says I came to save them I came to give them a chance to believe in me I came to give people a chance to follow me of their own free willyou will never see where Jesus held a sword over somebody and said Believe him mayor I’m taking your head off. Because it’s of our own free will He gives everybody the opportunity freely choose to follow him and that is the main point today following him he said at the beginning of our passage If anyone desires to come after me if we have that hunger if we have that desire to come after him he says let him d. not himself take up his cross daily not just once in awhile not just once a week not just once a month but there Lee take up his cross daily and follow me the Greek word for deny is a pardon a o o mad prodded an opera nonsense right but the meaning I’ll get the meaning is to deny utterly to disown or abstainor source says or one source rather says that the 9 ourselves means in every moment of life to say no to self and yes to GodIt is a life lived in the constant hourly awareness of the demands of God and the needs of othersauthor and Pastor Warren whereas Where’s b. saysto do is to deny self does not mean to deny things it means to give yourself wholly to Christ it does not mean to carry burdens or to have problems it means to identify with Christ in his rejection in his shame in his suffering and even possibly in his deathin other words to follow Jesus is to realize that I can expect the same from life that he received that’s what it means to deny him so not society may reject us they may shame us.And there may be persecution if we do not fit in with the world but choose to follow him I believe the best part of the definition of denied that can help us fully understand what it means to deny is to discern because to discern something means that you make it known that you no longer have a connection with someone that you were very close toso let’s say a parent has 6 childrenand all that one child did something that that parent got so angry with so upset with they said I discern you I disown you I no longer have 6 children but I only have 5 you’re not going to be inheriting anything you’re not going to come to the family reunion you’re not coming by a Christmas time or Easter time you’re a no longer part of this family that’s what it means to discernthat extent discern So for us to understand what does it mean to discern to deny it is a self imposed this summit of our own rightsthat that sink in just a moment to discern our own rights we are giving himour rights we are given that to him we are willingly say I’m giving up I’m disowning my creature comforts all that the world has to offerfor youfor you because he said What good would it do to gain the whole world and yet be lost right so let’s disown. I mean he may not call you to give it all away he may not call you to go someplace where you’re going to eat but he may that’s where we need to bait if he does are we willing to discern give up our own rights that we think we need that we have that we want are we willing to disown them give it to him Romans 1479 says for none of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself for if we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord therefore whether we live or die we are the lords for to this end Christ died and rose and lived again that he might be lord of both the dead and the living so even if we die for him he still our lowered We will be with him to realize the true cost of following him let’s again look at those who said they would follow or those that he called to follow the 1st man said to Jesus Lord I will follow you where ever you go with the same story found in Matthew Chapter 8 verses 18 to 20 it reveals that this man was actually a scribeverse 18 says and when Jesus saw the great multitude about him he gave a command to depart to the other side then a certain scribe came and said to him teacher I will follow you wherever you go and Jesus said to him and here’s how we know it was the same account he said Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head you know there are very few scribes who would have attached himself to Jesus but it appears that maybe in a loose sense of the word that describe had attached himself to Jesus.You know there were many among the large crowds that once they realized the cost once they realize what they’d have to give up turned and decided to follow him the more when they realized we might have to suffer oh I’m not that’s that’s a lot to ask they turn and quit following him we might be persecuted where they turn and quit following him you know they their emotions cause them to follow him but when they realize what they may have to sacrifice they gave it up it was a temporary impulse and apparently that’s what it was with the scribeJesus wanted him to count the cost that’s what he meant when he said Foxes have holes to go into birds have a nest that they can go light in they have a place to lay down at night but Jesus saying if you want to follow me if you’re willing to follow me don’t expect any creature comforts you may not even know where you’re going to lay your head down you may not have a comfortable bed to lay down in you might not have a pillow under your head you might have to endure some hardship if you’re going to follow May he didn’t want them to follow him unknowing what they might have to endure you know I’ve had some old friends that were in the military and they’d shared how you know when they were younger they go see the recruiter Rick Rick Rick Rick router that they said well you know I want to be a part of the technical side of things or I want to be at the mill to all shore yeah would we put lots of openings there just sign here on the dotted line right but once they signed on that line they found out what we’re going to the front line you know they didn’t always get to do what the recruiters told them they were going to do but with Jesus he’s being truthful if you follow me here’s what you can expect here’s what you’re going to get you may have to suffer just like I did just like I did.You know Jesus did not reject the man he didn’t refuse him he just wanted him to know the cost he was willing if he was willing to deny himself and come and follow the 2nd man Jesus said Jesus said to him then he said to another follow me but he said Lord let me 1st go and bury my father Jesus said Let the dead bury your bird their own dead but you go and preach to Kingdom now you know this might sound a little harshI mean come on letting go berries father but when you study it out you realize the man’s father hadn’t died he may not even been close to death so the man saying basically well this is not the most convenient timeI will follow you but when it’s more convenient after my father died what might have been 5 years from then or 10 years from thenbut it’s just not convenient right now Jesus Jesus response is not on compassionate but it is his response reveals that he must take 1st place in our lives he must come 1stnot our families I know that’s a hard one because I know that we all love our families dearly but Jesus must be 1st the 3rd one said Lord I will follow you but let me 1st go bid them farewell tour at my house but Jesus said to him no one having put his hand to the ploughand looking back is fit for the Kingdom of GodThis man seems to be more hung up on the concerns of the worldly things than his duty to follow Christthe Lord came I know that he loves families and I know that we are to love our families. But they cannot be 1st before him Matthew 103439 says do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth I did not come to bring peace but a sword for I’ve come to say a man against his father a daughter against her mother a daughter in law against her mother in law and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household he who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me that’s the key he who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me he finds his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will find it my friends that’s what it is to deny he who loses his life for Jesus’ sake will find it he who discerns his own right for Jesus’ sake for his rights will find it only truly make Him Lord over our lives.He sums the cost up in verse $62.00 when he said no one having put his hands to the plough and looking back is still for the Kingdom of God You know whenever you’re plowing a field to prepare field you must keep your eyes focused straight ahead it’s especially important when you’re planning so I’m going to give you a modern day example I know back then they had the oxen and they had the the old wooden plow and hold on to the handles but today we’re using tractors and more modern equipment so if we’re out there planning and we’re planning with the a water wheel plan or plans one road you can use it to plant tomatoes or peppers or all that kind of stuff but if we have a field that’s been plowed and it’s been called a plaque and it’s been disc and it’s ready you want your rose to be straight you want your field so look good and Karen’s grin and once in a while we do get a little bend in him but what we will do is we’ll take a stake out to the far end of the field it might be 80911000 feet away if that’s not far away we put a white bag on it so it stands out because there are zone is good but we’ll put that stake out there it will have a marker so we’re driving the tractor and you’re line in the center of the hood up at little chrome than one hood with that stake way out there 900 feet away and you have to keep your eyes on that state because if you look back you go to the right you’re going up you look to the right I’m sorry on the left and right if you look to the right you’re going to pull to the right or if you look to the left are going to pull to the left if you want to strip your rows not to have a cork in them you have to keep your eyes on that stake my friends Jesus is who we have to keep our eyes on remember I mentioned Peter got out of the boat Peter got out of the boat in his long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he was walking on water wasn’t it but what happened when he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at the storm he began to sing. My friends that’s what he’s saying we can’t look back we can look back at the things of the world we can look back at those things that we’ve left but we must look to him constantly continuously look to him every day every moment if we look back at those things the comforts of the world if we look back at those friends you know maybe they’re still living that wild life and we might all we long to go back to that you know the children of Israel they look back they look back to Egypt their pots of stew instead of following him faithfully we think of lots wife when a lot in his family were called to leave Saddam in the more I name jewel told them specifically leave get out get away run and do not look back don’t look back to that would you have left in Lot’s wife looked back and she was turned into a pillar of salt friends we can’t look back we cannot look back you wouldn’t weigh in the cost of following JesusI think what we should really be looking at is the cost of not following himthink about that for a moment look at the cost of not following Jesus because if we faithfully deny ourselves and follow Him we will be rewarded with eternal life but the cost of not following him will be eternal separation from God So that is the greatest cost we would not enjoy turn a life with himwhat profit would it be for a man if again the whole world and his soul was lost or destroyed Why would man lose eternal life to gain that which is temporaryinstead of losing that which is temporary to gain that which is eternal.In Joan 812 they was not going to have is one for the screen then Jesus spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life if we follow him we will not be living like the worldyou know many want to worldly comforts and conveniences so many seek after comforting convenience but if we’re willing to deny yourself then we need to be willing to sacrifice and suffer as he did if that’s what he calls us to do take up that cross friends that cross right there is not a symbol of comfort aswhat is a cross that is a symbol of sacrifice and are we willing to take up our cross and follow Him daily I can answer that for anyone else only you can answer it for you Are you willing to take up your cross and follow him to deny your own rights to disown your own rights and say Lord my rights are belong to you you are my lord controller your my king I am the yours and I will follow you wherever you go and wherever you send me that’s the question today Are you willing to follow him wherever he goes Amen.
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