Luke 2:8-20


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Glory to God in the highest the scripture that the children read tonight was from Luke Chapter two verse is a through twenty and. I will reread it because you’ve you know heard it from them but it’s few things I want to touch on the night that this think is so significant. You know I think of the shepherds. Out in the field watching over the the sheep. At night you know shepherds were very humble people. You know the jobs that they had were lowly jobs and they were really could be considered how cast by many. And the shepherds would time spend weeks on end. Out there in the field watching over the sheep and wouldn’t go into the city they would be out there the entire time for weeks and weeks. Watching over the sheep. Day and night. And they would take moving around from pasture to pasture where the to get the good good grass and stuff. And I learned that you know through study and that’s that most feel that the sheep that they were watching out there outside the city. Many of these sheep are those that would be given for sacrifices. And in that in the temple and. Now this I’m not going to take credit for this I learned this the other night at a concert. You know I knew that the sheep would be for sacrifice. But the one of the ladies at the concert the other night. One of the singers. Shared that her pastor share of this and I never thought of it. She said that one of the jobs of a shepherd was to inspect the new baby sheep is it went to the new baby lambs when they were born to see if they had any spots or blemishes to make sure that they were good for sacrifice because the spots there are the ones are offered had to be without spot or blemish. So how significant is that. That the first ones to hear the announcement of the birth of the Lamb of God would be the shepherds. That they could go and inspect this new Lamb sent from heaven to take away the sins of the world. I think that is just awesome. And I feel certain whenever they made their way to that manger that night that they inspected that baby Jesus is probably not at one another and said. Perfect. The perfect. Lamb. Come to take away the sins of the world. Shepherds were very humble men. They had home. It’s you know God could have sent that announcement to the king’s palace. He could have sent that announcement to the religious leaders of the day. But he chose those with humble hearts those that would receive. What he had for them receive the word. And God today is still seeking those with humble heart because it’s hard for God to get through to those with proud. An arrogant hearts isn’t it. So what an amazing thing that God. First sent a message to these humble. Shepherds out in the field. I think. Also how awesome with that have been to been out there that night and into just to witness such a wonderful wonderful thing to have an angel. Come From haven’t said the light shone around them. So they’re out there net field is probably pretty dark they may have had a little campfire that night. But at Sprott belief Airlie dark. And all the sudden it was brighter than they had ever seen before. Some say was bright as day well I say it was probably brighter than that because I think of the glory of God and I think of Paul. The light was so bright it was blinded. I think of the Mount of Transfiguration think how glorious some bright doubt was because the glory of God was there. And God is glorious. And he demands our reverence he demands that we honor him. So the light shone around him what a glorious night that must have been would have been a wonderful thing to be there to witness such a thing. And you know there was a lot of angelic activity surrounding the birth of Christ wasn’t there. You think back even before the announcement to Mary that the angel appeared to Zacharias to inform him that his wife Elizabeth was going to have a baby or the she would conceive and bring for the child and their well advanced in years and Elizabeth had been barren for all her life. An angel paired in said. She’s going to have a child. And he’s going to be the forerunner for the messiah he’s going to prepare the hearts of the people for the savior of the world. And then you have the angel that appeared to marry an angel said to her Mary. You are blessed among woman you were highly favored. She said he said you’re going to have a child. She said well how can this be since I’ve never been with a man. And he said the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you shall conceive and bear forth a son and he will be the savior of the world to save Israel and all men. Of course then there’s the angelic appearance with Joseph Joseph being a good man. An honorable man. When he found out Mary was pregnant he was going to divorce her quietly. He was such a good man he wanted to do it quietly because he didn’t want to bring shame on to her. But then we know that the angel appeared to Joseph also and said Do not be afraid to take Mary’s your wife. For that which is in hers of the Holy Spirit. And then we have this wonderful announcement that we read to see the children read to see Vinnie to the shepherds that the child will be ditched his been born. The announcement of his birth. How wonderful. Lot of angelic activity involving the birth of our Christ and Savior. And you know when I think of this. Also think of the angels. We know that most of the time that these announcements was Gable. Gabriel was the messenger we know that Michael was the Archangel Gabriel is the messenger. So we know that it was most likely Gabriel and most all of these events. But whenever I whenever I read this and. My wife would test to that I had not the most creative or imagine. Magic of person I really am not seize nod your head yes. He’s not or no whichever way it fits. But you know when I read this story about the angel. The angel peered to them. The light shone around them. But then after that immediately or suddenly there was with the angel First there was a single angel. Gabriel. But then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host. Praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace goodwill towards men. My imagination just goes wow. Because I invision Gables there making this announcement. In all these other angels man. They are so excited. They’re just waiting and I and I envision God say wait hold it hold it hold back. Got half of the whole these angels back I visit that. That’s not Scriptural but that’s just my imagination gone. That I invision God haven’t the hold them back. And you know why the angles are excited because God’s heavenly angels are for you. We know that there is fallen angels that are against you they want to destroy you. But I can assure you from scripture the god’s heaven angels are for you. They love you. They care about you they protect you in they are so excited. That man is being reconciled with God. Because the fall of man affected all of creation. All of creation. Was affected by the fall of man. So they too have been waiting for longing for the Messiah that would make man reconciled into God. So they are excited. And I just and this isn’t God holding them back and gave remakes that announce when then he says go. And suddenly they burst onto the scene. You know them Ahmad vision probably every heavenly angels right there singing Glory to God in the hives. They are so excited. I had I could be wrong but I just in vision that. Because angels are so excited in their does. Their glorious Glora to glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace goodwill towards men. That’s my next next point peace. Because whenever Christ came down. At that moment. There was peace on earth. There had never been true peace on earth. Since the fall of man. And then until this time. You know we might have nations that have been warring with one another all the sudden the the war’s over they’re going to sign a peace treaty. But you know sometimes. While they’re said Nurse son and that peace treaty they’re still fighting. Sometimes a sign that peace treaty in a couple days from now they’re still fighting. Because it’s not true peace. Because of peace it they are speaking of peace on earth is not peace from the violence in our neighborhoods or peace from the war with other nations. It’s peace with God. Because that is the only true peace that we will ever experience is when are we have Jesus Christ and here we have peace with God. Because before Jesus came we were at war with God if you will because because of sin. But through Jesus Christ. We Can Have Peace in goodwill towards men. Good will is God’s will towards men. And we know that is God’s will that all men would come on to him and receive His Son Jesus Christ. So God wants good for us not evil not bad he wants good for us. Each one of us. And then there’s the fact that they’re the shepherds. They go and see the baby Jesus and what the Day do. They may widely known the saying. Which was told them concerning the child. We have our first evangelist here. Was shepherds. They were joyful. They were joyful because they were able to witness and see the savior witness and hear what the angels told them that a Christ has been born. That pieces come to the earth. And they made it widely known. We need to make it widely known. We need to make it while the known to people what Christmas is all about. It’s not about all the presents that we get Excel site about an open up to more morning. It’s about the most wonderful gift the gift of God’s Son God’s only begotten son that came to Worth took on the flesh. That we can have a life. And we can have peace with God. So I’m not going to be long winded and I just want to hit on a few few points out of this passage. You know again just one more thinking of the. The shepherds and how home with they were and thinking about peace. And you know a lot of times whenever you get to nations that were boring. Somebody has to surrender right. Somebody must. Somebody has to surrender to bring peace in and sometimes I even have to surrender the prisoners that they may have been holding. But you know to have true peace with God We too must surrender. We must surrender our will to him. Allow him to be Lord of our lives. X. ten thirty six says the word which God sent to the children of Israel. Preaching peace through Jesus Christ. For he is lord of all. Is he your Lord tonight. I pray that he is because he wants to have peace with you.