Sermon – “Dwelling with Him”

Sermon – “Dwelling with Him”

      Psalm 91:1-16 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare...
Sermon – “Lose the Pigpen Mind Set”

Sermon – “Lose the Pigpen Mind Set”

Luke 15:10-25 Listen to the Audio Version: Or watch the video: But I feel his day with Sharon or there’s a couple things in my sermon that really just tirade in with what he said. Lose the pig pen mindset now you’re wondering what in the world he talking...
Sermon – “The Triumphal Entry”

Sermon – “The Triumphal Entry”

Luke 19:28-44 Listen to the Audio Version: Or watch the video: Especially in this year or day that things that make for your peace. But now they are hidden from your eyes for days will come upon you when your enemy will build an embankment around you surround you and...
Sermon – “God Provided a Proper Burial”

Sermon – “God Provided a Proper Burial”

Mark 15:42-47   Listen to the Audio Version: Or watch the video: All right now get with it this morning outside of a message God provided a proper burial for His Son Jesus Christ. You know as I think about all the events of Easter and the day of preparation and...
Sermon – “Believe the Promise”

Sermon – “Believe the Promise”

Romans 4:1-6   Listen to the Audio Version: Or watch the video: He is so faithful and true. Hallelujah I heard whispers this morning that maybe the children are having a song or preparing for me for Easter. Praise the Lord. Looking forward to that. Heard that one...